

■ 被爆の様子 ■

Appearance of radiation exposure

Fukuromachi elementary school is in 460meters from ground zero.

8:15AM, August 6th of 1945, about 160 people such as teachers and childrenwho had gone out to the schoolyard for the morning meeting died in the atomicbombing. Only a few survived.

The present Fukuromachi elementary schoolhas been built in the same place as that in 1945. Ground zero was within theschool district of present Fukoromachi elementary school.

■ 奇跡的に助かった先生の話から ■



出典: 袋町地区社会福祉協議会編「ふくろまち」

Story of teacher who survived miraculously

What it was like inside the campus immediately after the radiation exposure of Fukuromachi elementary school is not clearly understood.

It seems that 4 or 5 staff and 70 children who were working in the schoolyard were knocked down with the explosion of the atomic bomb, and died immediately. 2 classrooms and the assembly hall in the North Wing were destroyed.

This is the story of one teacher (at Fukuromachi elementary school) who miraculously survived.

“I heard sounds of something falling from the sky. I thought that a big bomb had dropped on my head. I hurried to cover my eyes and ears, pressed myself to the floor, and dove under a desk.

When I opened my eyes, everything was pitch-black. It lightened momentarily when I was looking at the circumference. I shouted, "Is someone alive ....?"However, no one answered. I saw books and various things blown off under the window of the east side.

When I went out of the schoolyard, it was just daybreak. A woman who was wearing nothing but the remnants of her clothing was lying there. Nearby, a child, scorched and blackened was on the ground. Nobody was moving.

I passed the west of the public office. And when I came in front of the court, a hot wind came from the south. I thought that everyone might have gone to the second refuge at HijiyamaMountain. And I also changed direction into the east.

Huge raindrops began to fall when I came to moats at the rear of the Kirin beer hall.

I thought the sound of raindrops was machine-gun fore from enemy airplanes, so hurriedly hid myself under the bridge. It was crowded with people of a pitch-black appearance.

I heard a voice calling "Head teacher" as I was going to the HijiyamaMountain.

“Who’s there?” I called back, but all I could see was blackened faces, and I never found who had called me.

When I got to Motoyasu River, I found it covered in floating corpses. The trains were burned black. I tried to get into a boat, but they were all full. However, I was wearing an armband that allowed me to travel anywhere, and was finally allowed into a boat and taken to the Hiroshima Prefectural Office, but when I arrived, there was nobody there.”
